
The Firm provides legal advice to all players in the value chain of the agricultural industry, including producers, importers and exporters, technology developers or logistics specialists.
Among its clients, the Firm works with numerous companies involved in agricultural production and the sale of agricultural inputs. Its experience in this area is focused on services ranging from labor advice to the drafting and consulting of agricultural contracts.
Furthermore, since 2001 our Firm has been working as legal advisor to CEDASABA, Buenos Aires Chamber of Distributors of Agrochemicals, Seeds and Related Products, a recognized institution dedicated to the defense of Sector’s interests. This relationship has led to a strong professional performance in the field of agribusiness.

Our services in the area

  • Advice, negotiation and drafting of agricultural contracts: leasing, agricultural or livestock sharecropping, harvesting, metayage.
  • Capitalization, grazing, rural work leasing, sowing pool, franchises.
  • Associative modalities.
  • Organization of agribusiness administrative structures.
  • Agricultural Labor Law.
  • Financing strategies for the countryside. Development of protective guarantees.
  • Emergency Regime. Agricultural Transformation Plans.
  • Collections.